Apr 28Liked by Jodi Wilson

"...but not today" and "what do I need right now?" can be so powerful to our health and well-being. At least, I have found this to be true for myself recently.

I attended a baby shower on the weekend for a new young mum-to-be. It was glorious to see her all aglow in her 36th week of pregnancy, and the excitement of meeting bub and beginning life together. As I pondered what to write in her card, it was actually the essence of "but not today" and "what do I need right now?" that inspired my words to her. Thoughts and prompts that, in hindsight, I wish had been shared with me as I began my motherhood journey.

And it seems that regardless of the phase of life in which we find ourselves, these prompts are still so relevant. Thanks, Jodi, for the reminder. May we give ourselves permission to follow through!

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Apr 28Liked by Jodi Wilson

A beautiful read, as always. Iā€™d love to know what podcasts you recommend? x

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Apr 28Liked by Jodi Wilson

This is gorgeous.

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Iā€™m so glad you read The Anniversary! Isnā€™t it BRILL. Thank you for a comforting and reassuring letter, as always x

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Apr 30Liked by Jodi Wilson

A great reminder. It takes discipline and intention to be present and respond to your state of being. The more run down I become, the less I remember to check in and follow my intuition. And it spirals... Thanks for sharing your process and approach! You are one of my favorite substacks!

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I just loved this - "The little things that are actually the big, important things. Because, if we are our own home we are also a lighthouse; the body gives us warning signals, we can choose to guide ourselves to safety."

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This reminder was exactly what I needed today. Thanks for sharing your insights!

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