Sep 16Liked by Jodi Wilson

Hi Jodi! I used to so look forward to your blogs as I have similar aged children and was juggling writing and kids and your blogs were the highlight of my weeks some seasons so I am most thankful you shared them. Sami x

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Thank you, Sami. It’s so heartening to know that my early readers have followed along for this long. Aren’t I lucky x

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Sep 15Liked by Jodi Wilson

I think this may have been your best newsletter yet! I'm not a writer, but I'm in a creative field, and everything you said had me thinking 'I thought it was just me'. I feel so comforted that I'm not alone.

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Oh yes, this applies to all creativity. And your words are so kind - thank you! I promised to always write what felt intuitively right when I started this substack, so it’s comforting to know that it resonates x

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Beautiful words Jodi. As a new writer and a young mother I found so much wisdom in your reflections on your writing journey. Stay curious, write consistently, connect with other writers, do the things that matter when the words don't come.

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Sep 15Liked by Jodi Wilson

“Sometimes, instead of focussing so much on the things that need to change, we could just be okay with what is” — as I’m facing a fork in the road between my current career/ life and the future, this is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you ☺️

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I’m glad! It’s often what I need to hear, too. x

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Sep 16Liked by Jodi Wilson

Jodi, I always enjoy your posts and, like the other commenters, find them to be incredibly inspiring and comforting. But I really wanted to add that I love the ritual of birthday pancakes and think your photo of them with the shadows/framing is captivating!

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Thank you, Steph. Those pancakes are always a hit x

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The early days upheaval of emotion! Honestly, I hadn't stopped to think how far I'd come since reading this. Copious tears upon every deadline; now, a quiet confidence (mostly)... And spelling errors are personality, after all.

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Oh gosh, the stress and tears of deadline. Ooft! Glad those steep learning days are in the past x

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Sep 15Liked by Jodi Wilson

Such encouragement; thank you.

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I can never get enough of hearing others share their real emotions, of doubt, of lack of confidence, because it makes me feel a little less alone. Thank you!

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